EOS vault for staking tokens and earning BP staking rewards. The pool currently stake to Newpool (proxy from NewDex).

Staking to EOS vault

Earn yield on EOS by depositing into DEOS vault. You receive DEOS tokens in your account based on current price of DEOS token. Yield accumulates in DEOS tokens and you can withdraw anytime by sending DEOS tokens back to the contract. DEOS value only goes up over time as the yield accumulates into it.

Always watch the wallet action while depositing or withdrawing. You should not send tokens to any other contract other than depositeos11. Never whitelist actions to send tokens without verifying the receiver address.

How to deposit

Send EOS to depositeos11 contract.

  • Use any EOS wallet and transfer EOS tokens to address "depositeos11"


How to withdraw

Send DEOS to depositeos11 contract

  • Use any EOS wallet and transfer DEOS tokens to address "depositeos11"


Withdraw unsuccessful?

If you withdraw an amount that is more than available liquidity in the pool due to staked tokens, your withdrawal will be added to the queue. You can call withdrawq action on the contract to process the queue. Any user can call withdrawq action on contract without submitting a withdrawal action or having tokens in the queue.

Last updated

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